...10月31日至11月1日,为期两天的“第八届可持续制造国际会议(The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, ICSM 2024)”在同济大学嘉定校区济人楼举行。此次会议由机械与能源工程学院和德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院共同主办,并获得学校资助...
...祝贺博士生赵智豪的论文发表在JCR一区期刊Journal of Alloys and Compounds!Z. Zhao, J. Lin, Y. Xiao, J. Min, Effects of grain size and dislocation density on thermally-induced martensitic transformation of nanocrystalline NiTi alloys, Journ...
...祝贺博士生赵智豪的论文发表在JCR一区期刊Scripta Materialia!Z. Zhao, J. Lin, Y. Xiao, J. Min, Improved superelastic stability by nanosegregation via low-temperature aging in Ti-50.9 at.% Ni shape memory alloy, Scripta Materialia 245 (2024...