Case Faculty










2009.03 – 2012.12,博士学位,同济大学,机械制造及其自动化

2011.01 – 2011.07,访问学者(博士生实习研究),美国通用汽车全球研发中心

2007.09 – 2009.03,硕士(转提前攻博),同济大学,机械制造及其自动化

2003.09 – 2007.07,学士学位,同济大学,机械设计制造及其自动化


2017.06至今, 教授,同济大学

2018.05 – 2018.07,访问教授,德国多特蒙德工业大学

2017.03 – 2017.05,特聘研究员,同济大学

2015.01 – 2017.02,洪堡学者,德国波鸿鲁尔大学

2013.08 – 2014.12,访问学者(博士后研究),美国密西根大学

2013.03 – 2014.12,兼职访问学者(博士后研究),美国通用汽车全球研发中心

2013.02 – 2013.08,博士后,美国夏威夷大学


1)国际生产工程学会CIRP青年会员(Research Affiliate);

2Automotive Innovation国际期刊编委/客座主编;

3Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering国际期刊编委



62017“Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing”国际会议组委会成员;

7“New Challenges in Processing and Modeling of Lightweight Metals”中德研讨会组委会成员(秘书);

8Journal of Materials Processing Technology, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials & Design10余种SCI国际期刊及多个先进制造领域国际学术会议评审专家。








3.“Laser-assisted robotic roller forming of ultrahigh strength steels”,美国通用汽车全球研发中心资助项目(国际合作),2021年至2023年,项目负责人;

4.“Microstructural evolution and its impact on mechanical properties in laser processing”,美国通用汽车全球研发中心资助项目,2020年至2022年,项目负责人;

5.“Characterization of Next Generation Press Hardening Steels I&II”,通用汽车中国科学研究院,2020年至2021年,项目负责人;



8.“Investigation of Constitutive Behavior Under Controlled Bi-axial Loading Conditions”,美国通用汽车全球研发中心资助项目(国际合作),2018年至2020年,项目负责人;





13.“Heat-assisted incremental sheet forming”, 洪堡基金会,2015年至2017年,项目负责人;

14.Validation of Constitutive Theories”,美国通用汽车全球研发中心资助项目(国际合作),2016年至2018年,共同负责人;











2017年中国模具工业协会汽车车身模具及装备委员会 副主任





截至2022年已出版专著和译著各1部,发表论文100余篇,其中IJPJMPTACS AMI等国际顶级期刊论文60多篇,申请发明专利10多项,在国际会议上做报告50余次。


1.Y Hou, MG Lee, J Lin, Min J*. Experimental characterization and modeling of complex anisotropic hardening in quenching and partitioning (Q&P) steel subject to biaxial non-proportional loadings. International Journal of Plasticity. 2022,103347 (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

2.Liao P, Wan H, Min J*, Zhang K, Lin J. Experimental Study on Heat-Affected Zones of Aluminum Alloys in Flow Drill Riveting. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2022, 18, 1230-1244 (JCR Q1)

3.Min J*, Hu J, Sun C, Wan H, Liao P, Teng H, Lin J. Fabrication processes of metal-fiber reinforced polymer hybrid components: a review. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials. 2022, (JCR Q1)

4.Zhang K, Min J*, Wan H, Liao P, Lin J. Thermo-mechanical modeling of flow drilling with a conical-tipped blind rivet. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2022, 36, 158-171.(SCI)

5.Min J, Xie F, Liu Y, Hou Z*, Lu J, Lin J. Experimental study on cold forming process of 7075 aluminum alloy in W temper. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. 2022, 37, 11-18.(SCI)

6.Wan H, Min J*, Lin J. Experimental and theoretical studies on laser treatment strategies for improving shear bonding strength of structural adhesive joints with cast aluminum. Composite Structures, 2022, 279, 114831 (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

7.Min J, Kong J, Hou Y*, Liu Z, Lin J. Application of Laser Deposition to Mechanical Characterization of Advanced High Strength Steels Subject to Non-Proportional Loading. Experimental Mechanics. 2022, 1-16 (SCI)

8.Hou Y, Min J*, Guo N, Lin J, Carsley JE, Stoughton TB, Traphöner H, Clausmeyer T, Tekkaya AE. Investigation of evolving yield surfaces of dual-phase steels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2021, 287: 116314. (Top期刊,2021年高被引论文)

9.Wan H, Min J*, Carlson BE, Lin J, Sun C. Spindle-Shaped Surface Microstructure Inspired by Directional Water Collection Biosystems to Enhance Interfacial Wetting and Bonding Strength. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2021, 13, 11, 13760–13770. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

10.Hou Y, Min J*, Guo N, Shen Y, Lin J. Evolving asymmetric yield surfaces of quenching and partitioning steels: Characterization and modeling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2021, 290: 116979 (Top期刊)

11.Lin J, Zhang J, Min J*, Sun C, Yang S*. Laser-assisted conduction joining of carbon fiber reinforced sheet molding compound to dual-phase steel by a polycarbonate interlayer. Optics and Laser Technology 133(2021)106561 (JCR Q1)

12.Sun C, Gergely R, Okonski DA, Min J*. Experimental and numerical investigations on thermoforming of thermoplastic prepregs of glass fiber reinforced nylon 6. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2021()117161 (Top期刊)

13.Wan H Min J*, Lin J, Carlson BE, Maddela S, Sun C. Effect of laser spot overlap ratio on surface characteristics and adhesive bonding strength of an Al alloy processed by nanosecond pulsed laser. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 62(2021)555-565

14.闵峻英, 张为民, 何林曦等译. 工业4.0手册, ()甘特·莱因哈特, 机械工业出版社, 2021.(约55万字)

15.Lin J, Sun C, Min J*, Wan H, Wang S. Effect of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on surface physicochemical properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer and its interfacial bonding strength with adhesive. Composite Part B. 199(2020)108237 (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

16.Min J, Wan H, Carlson BE, Lin J, Sun C. Application of laser ablation in adhesive bonding of metallic materials: A review. Optics and Laser Technology. 128 (2020) 106188. (JCR Q1)

17.Hou Y, Min J*, Stoughton TB, Lin J, Carsley JE, Carlson BE.A non-quadratic pressure-sensitive constitutive model under non-associated flow rule with anisotropic hardening: Modeling and validation. International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 135: 102808. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

18.Volk W, Groche P, Brosius A, Ghiotti A, Kinsey BL, Liewald M, Madej L, Min J, Yanagimoto J. Models and modelling for process limits in metal forming. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 68, 775–798. (JCR Q1)

19.Lin J, Hou Y, Min J*, Tang H, Carsley JE, Stoughton TB. Effect of constitutive model on springback prediction of MP980 and AA6022-T4. International Journal of Material Forming, 2019, 1-13. (SCI)

20.Lin Y, Min J*, Li Y, Lin J*. A thin-walled structure with tailored properties for axial crushing. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019, 157: 119-135. (JCR Q1)

21.Hailang Wan, Junying Min*, Jun Zhang, Jianping Lin, Chengcheng Sun. Effect of adherend deflection on lap-shear tensile strength of laser-treated adhesive-bonded joints. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2020, 102481. (SCI)

22.Wang S, Min J*, Lin J*, Wan H, Wang Y. Flow drill riveting of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer and aluminum alloy sheets. Welding in the World, 2019, 63(4), 1013-1024. (SCI)

23.Zhu C, Wan H, Min J*, Mei Y, Lin J, Carlson BE, Maddela S. Application of pulsed Yb: Fiber laser to surface treatment of Al alloys for improved adhesive bonded performance. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2019, 119, 65-76 (JCR Q1)

24.Sun C, Min J*, Lin J, Wan H. Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment on Adhesive Bonding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer. Polymers, 2019, 11 (1), 139. (JCR Q1)

25.Wan H, Lin J*, Min J*. Effect of laser ablation treatment on corrosion resistance of adhesive-bonded Al alloy joints. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018, 345: 13-21. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

26.Min J*, Kuhlenkötter B, Shu C, Störkle D, Thyssen L. Experimental and numerical investigation on incremental sheet forming with flexible die-support from metallic foam. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 31: 605-612 (JCR Q1)

27.Min J, Stoughton TB, Carsley JE, Carlson BE, Lin J, Gao X. Accurate Characterization of Biaxial Stress-Strain Response of Sheet Metal from Bulge Testing. International Journal of Plasticity, 2016, 94: 192-213. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

28.Min J, Hector LGJr, Lin J, Carter JT, Sachdev AK. Spatio-temporal characteristics of propagative plastic instabilities in a rare earth containing magnesium alloy. International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 57: 52-76. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

29.Min J, Stoughton TB, Carsley JE, Lin J. A Method of Detecting the Onset of Localized Necking Based on Surface Geometry Measurements. Experimental Mechanics. 2017, 57: 521-535. (JCR Q1)

30.Min J, Stoughton TB, Carsley JE, Lin J. An improved curvature method of detecting the onset of localized necking in Marciniak tests and its extension to Nakazima tests. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 123: 238–252. (JCR Q1)

31.Min J, Carsley JE, Lin J, Wen Y, Kuhlenkötter B. A non-quadratic constitutive model under non-associated flow rule of sheet metals with anisotropic hardening: modeling and experimental validation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 119: 343-359. (JCR Q1)

32.Min J, Stoughton TB, Carsley JE, Lin J. Compensation for process-dependent effects in the determination of localized necking limits. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 117: 115-134. (JCR Q1)

33.Min J, Hector LGJr, Zhang L, Sun L, Carsley JE, Lin J. Plastic instability at elevated temperatures in a TRIP-assisted steel. Materials and Design. 2016, 95: 370-386. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

34.Min J, Li J, Li Y, Carlson BE, Lin J. Affected Zones in an Aluminum Alloy Frictionally Penetrated by a Blind Rivet. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2016, 138: 054501-054501-6. (SCI)

35.Min J, Hector LGJr, Zhang L, Lin J, Carsley JE, Sun L. Elevated-temperature mechanical stability and transformation behavior of retained austenite in a quenching and partitioning steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 673: 423-429. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

36.Zhang L, Min J, Carsley JE, Stoughton TB, Lin J. Experimental and theoretical investigation on the role of friction in Nakazima testing. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 133: 217–226. (JCR Q1)

37.Zhang L, Lin J, Min J, Ye Y, Kang L. Formability Evaluation of Sheet Metals Based on Global Strain Distribution. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25: 2296-2306. (SCI)

38.Min J, Seim P, Störkle D, Thyssen L, Kuhlenkötter B. Thermal modeling in electricity assisted incremental sheet forming. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016, DOI:10.1007/s12289-016-1315-6 (SCI)

39.Min J, Li YQ, Carlson BE, Hu SJ, Li J, Lin J. A new single-sided blind riveting method for joining of dissimilar materials. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 64: 13-16. (JCR Q1)

40.Min J, Li Y, Li J, Carlson BE, Lin J. Mechanics in Frictional Penetration with a Blind Rivet. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 222: 268-279. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

41.Min J, Li J, Li Y, Carlson BE, Lin J, Wang W. Friction stir blind riveting for aluminum alloy sheets. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 215: 20-29. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

42.Min J, Li J, Carlson BE, Li Y, Quinn JF, Lin JP, Wang WM. Friction Stir Blind Riveting for Joining Dissimilar Cast Mg AM60 and Al Alloy Sheets. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015, 137: 051022-051022-9. (SCI)

43.Min J, Li Y, Li J, Carlson BE, Lin J. Friction stir blind riveting of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composite and aluminum alloy sheets. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 76: 1403-1410. (SCI)

44.Min J, Hector L G Jr, Carsley J E, Stoughton T B, Carlson B E, Lin J P. Spatio-temporal characteristics of plastic instability in AA5182-O during biaxial deformation. Materials and Design, 2015, 83: 786-794. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

45.Min J, Lin J, Sun B. Effect of strain rate on spatio-temporal behavior of Portevin-Le Chastener bands in a twinning induced plasticity steel. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 68: 164-175. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

46.Min J, Lin J. Anelastic behavior and phenomenological modeling of Mg ZEK100-O alloy sheet under cyclic tensile loading-unloading. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 561: 174-182. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

47.Min J, Hector LGJr, Lin J, Carter JT. Analytical Method for Forming Limit Diagram Prediction with Application to a Magnesium ZEK100-O Alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2013, 22: 3324-3336. (SCI)

48.Min J, Lin J, Li J. Forming limits of Mg alloy ZEK100 sheet in preform annealing process. Materials and Design, 2014, 53: 947-953. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

49.Min J, Lin J, Min Y. Effect of thermo-mechanical process on the microstructure and secondary-deformation behavior of 22MnB5 steels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2013, 213: 818-825. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

50.Lin J, Hua D, Wang P, Lu Z, Min J. Effect of thermal exposure on the strength of adhesive-bonded low carbon steel. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2013, 43: 70-80. (SCI)

51.Min J, Lin J, Min Y, Li F. On the ferrite and bainite transformation in isothermally deformed 22MnB5 steels. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 550: 375-387. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

52.Min J, Lin J, Cao Y, Bao W, Lu Z. Effect of necking types of sheet metal on the left-hand side of forming limit diagram. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2010, 210: 1070-1075. (Top期刊,JCR Q1)

53.Min J, Lin J, Li J, Bao W. Investigation on hot forming limits of high strength steel 22MnB5. Computational Materials Science, 2010, 49: 326-332. (SCI)


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