About Us Advanced Forming Experiments and Applied Mechanics



Sun, B., Lin, J., & Fu, M. W. (2018). Dependence of processing window and microstructural evolution on initial material state in direct electric resistance heat treatment of NiTi alloy. Materials & Design, 139, 549-564.          


Min, J., Kuhlenkötter, B., Shu, C., Störkle, D., & Thyssen, L. (2018). Experimental and numerical investigation on incremental sheet forming with flexible die-support from metallic foam. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 31, 605-612.          


Wan, H., Lin, J., & Min, J. (2018). Effect of laser ablation treatment on corrosion resistance of adhesive-bonded Al alloy joints. Surface and Coatings Technology, 345, 13-21.          


Sun, C., Min, J., Lin, J., Wan, H., Yang, S., & Wang, S. (2018). The effect of laser ablation treatment on the chemistry, morphology and bonding strength of CFRP joints. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 84, 325-334.          


Yang, Q. B., Min, J. Y., Carsley, J. E., Wen, Y. Y., Kuhlenkötter, B., Stoughton, T. B., & Lin, J. P. (2018). Prediction of plane-strain specimen geometry to efficiently obtain a forming limit diagram by Marciniak test. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 25(5), 539-545.          


Liu, Y., Lin, J., Min, J., Ma, Z., & Wu, B. (2018). Effect of Deep Cryogenic Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of the Tool Steel CR7V for Hot Stamping. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 27(9), 4382-4391.          


Zhang, Y., Lin, J., Zheng, R., & Wu, Y. (2018). Investigation of strength degradation of adhesive-bonded aluminum joints exposed to corrosive environment using electrochemical methods. Journal of adhesion science and Technology, 32(6), 642-655.          


Wang, X., Lin, J. P., Min, J. Y., Wang, P. C., & Sun, C. C. (2018). Effect of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on strength of adhesive-bonded aluminum AA5052. The Journal of Adhesion, 94(9), 701-722.          


Tang, H., Hou, Y., Lin, J., Min, J., Deng, L., Zhu, C., & Carsley, J. E. (2018). Investigation of Factors Controlling the Attainable Equivalent Plastic Strain in the Gauge Region of Cruciform Specimens (No. 2018-01-0809). SAE Technical Paper.          


Hou, Y., Min, J., Lin, J., Carsley, J. E., & Stoughton, T. B. (2018, July). Cruciform specimen design for large plastic strain during biaxial tensile testing. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1063, No. 1, p. 012160). IOP Publishing.          


Hou, Y., Min, J., Lin, J., Carsley, J. E., & Stoughton, T. B. (2018, September). Plastic instabilities in AA5754-O under various stress states. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 418, No. 1, p. 012050). IOP Publishing.          


Jiang, K., Hou, Y., Lin, J., & Min, J. (2018, September). A springback energy based method of springback prediction for complex automotive parts. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 418, No. 1, p. 012104). IOP Publishing.          


侯勇, 林建平, 罗仁平, & 邹洋. (2018). 几何因素对轿车外覆盖件面畸变的影响. 同济大学学报 (自然科学版), 46(4), 512-517.          


吴斌斌, 林建平, 马治军, 刘亿, & 郭水军. (2018). Al-Si 镀层硼钢板热冲压模具磨损失效分析. 锻压技术, 43(1), 110-116.          


Lin, Y., Bai, H., Lin, J., Wang, M., Lu, H., & Min, J. (2018). A lightweight method of thin-walled beams based on cross-sectional characteristic. Procedia Manufacturing, 15, 852-860.          


Wang, S., Min, J., Lin, J., Sun, C., & Yang, S. (2018). Effect of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on the lap-shear strength of adhesive-bonded sheet molding compound joints. Automotive Innovation, 1(3), 237-246.


邓璐璐, 林建平, 侯勇, 贺亮, & 王燕. (2018). 轿车覆盖件表面畸变的影响因素及规律研究. 锻压技术, 43(8).        


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